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Cabbage is a nutritious food with a great source of vitamin C, vitamin K, and fibre. Cabbage can be eaten fresh, as a stir-fry, or made into sauerkraut, stews, and cabbage rolls.

Many different varieties of cabbage are shown with hotspots that give the title of each cabbage.
Napa Cabbage
Red Cabbage
Savoy Cabbage
Green Cabbage

Here are some of the different varieties of cabbage that can grow in Saskatchewan.

A close-up of a green cabbage plant that has looser leaves on the side and a dense cabbage head in the middle.

The dense cabbage head in the middle of this plant will be great to store.

Because there are many different varieties of cabbage, the timeline of when cabbages are seeded to when they are ready for harvest can vary greatly. There are four main types of cabbage crops:

  • Early:
    These cabbages are planted earlier in order to be harvested earlier and are typically smaller in size. They do not have a long storage period, so must be eaten shortly after harvesting.
  • Mid-season:
    These cabbages mature at a slower rate than early cabbages. They form medium-sized cabbage heads.
  • Late-season:
    These cabbages form the largest heads and take the longest to mature. They are great for storing in a cool, dark place.
  • Red:
    These cabbages have a longer growing season. They are great for salads.


Onions vary in shape, size, and colour. The green tops of onions that can be eaten are called green onions. They are a good source of vitamin C, other vitamins and minerals, and antioxidants. Onions add flavour to many kinds of food. They can be eaten raw, baked, sautéed, or fried.

Five different varieties of onion sit on a table.

Green, white, red, and yellow sweet Spanish onions are great to eat raw. Yellow cooking onions are more pungent, and are best cooked.

A male red and white newborn calf stands in a pen.

Did You Know?

Did you know?

There are three main types of onion crops.

A light brown cow and a newborn calf are in a pasture together, while the calf drinks milk from the mother.


These are produced when onions are planted very close together. The set onion will be smaller than a dry onion because it does not have as much room to grow. They can be replanted by home gardeners to get big onions early in the year.

Did you know?

Dry Bulb

Dry is the most popular kind of onions that are grown. They have many different shapes including oval, round, and flat on the top and bottom.


A brown and white coloured calf is standing in a pasture.


Bunching occurs when onions are planted close together and eaten before they are mature. They are very small compared to a dry onion and are called scallions or green onions (although there is a difference between scallions and green onions, they can be used interchangeably in recipes).


Potatoes come in many different shapes, colours, and sizes depending on what they will be used for. Potato plants should be ‘hilled,’ which means to pile dirt on top of the seed potato. This prevents the potatoes from being sun burnt and protects them from frost. Potatoes are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, and carbohydrates. 

Rows of potato plants on a potato farm are shown in a field.

These potato plants have been hilled.

A tractor is pulling a machine that picks up potatoes that have been dug up and left in the field and is dumping them in a semi-truck.

This farmer is harvesting potatoes.

A male red and white newborn calf stands in a pen.

Did You Know?

Did you know?

There are three main markets of potatoes.

A casserole dish full of baked potatoes is on a table with other cooking ingredients including cooking oil, pepper, herbs, and potatoes.

Table Stock

These potatoes are grown for eating. You can boil, mash, or bake these potatoes.

A pail of potatoes with growths on them sits in a garden, ready to plant.

Seed Potatoes

These are grown to be sold as the seed for the next gardening year. The seeds are potatoes that you can cut into pieces and plant. They have an ‘eye’ that will grow a new potato plant.

A brown and white coloured calf is standing in a pasture.




These potatoes are used to make french fries and potato chips. French fries are made from long potatoes.



This video shows the interesting process of harvesting potatoes on a Saskatchewan farm.


Greenhouses allow vegetables to grow all year round in Saskatchewan. The greenhouse allows the sunlight in while keeping the temperature warm and the humidity high. Many different types of vegetables can be grown in greenhouses as they have ideal growing conditions. Some popular vegetables grown in greenhouses include tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, lettuce, peas, and beans. 

An illustrated greenhouse is shown with farmers working on rows of vegetables. A man holds a basket full of vegetables, while another man is bent over to pick vegetables from the rows.

Greenhouses allow vegetables to grow all year round in Saskatchewan!

Find out how greenhouses can be used in Canada’s harsh climate.