During harvest, the farmers cut down the crop into rows (called swathing), let it dry on the ground until it is ready to harvest. Next, the rows are picked up with the combine.
Canola is an oilseed plant that scientists developed from the rapeseed plant. Canola is not the same as rapeseed because their nutritional breakdowns are very different.
Canola is an oilseed plant that scientists developed from the rapeseed plant.
Canola, flax, mustard, camelina, and sunflowers are all oilseed crops that grow in Saskatchewan.
In 2020, Saskatchewan accounted for 55% of the total production of canola in Canada. Saskatchewan farmers seeded approximately 4.5 million hectares (11.3 million acres) of canola. The average yield was 2.68 tonnes per hectare (39.8 bushels per acre). Canola is the largest crop by hectare (or acre) grown in Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan produces 55% of the total canola produced in Canada!
Once canola is harvested, it can be transported to store in a grain bin. Farmers may sell their canola to an elevator. The canola may be sold and transported to a crushing plant. Saskatchewan has 5 canola crushing plants. These plants work at turning the canola seeds into different products including canola meal, canola oil, canola seed, and other agri-food exports. These products are then packaged and transported to grocery stores or retail stores in order to be purchased by customers.
Canola grown in Saskatchewan can be imported by countries including China, Japan, Mexico, Pakistan, United States, South Korea, Chile, and Thailand. The grain is taken from elevators on trains and put onto ships to transport to these international countries that buy Canadian grain.
Saskatchewan produces 55% of the total canola produced in Canada! Grain is often sent on trains to processing facilities, elevators, or harbours.
Rapeseeds were originally grown in Asia and Europe as a source of lamp oil. Rapeseed could not be consumed by humans and animals due to high acid levels.
Rapeseed was used for lamp oil years ago.
The first time it was grown in Canada was during the Second World War when supplies were cut off from Europe and Asia and the rapeseed oil was used in steam engines on ships. By 1950, steam engines started using diesel and then the rapeseed crop almost disappeared.
Oilseeds crops have seeds that have oil in them. Around 40% of the canola seed is oil.
During the 1960s and 1970s, scientists in Saskatchewan and Manitoba used traditional plant breeding processes with rapeseed plants and developed a new plant that had low levels of acid, which meant it was safe for people to use to cook with.
During the 1960s and 1970s, scientists in Saskatchewan and Manitoba used traditional plant breeding processes with rapeseed plants and developed a new plant: canola.
Canola grows well on the Prairies because of the cool night temperatures which allows the plant to recover from the hot days. The plant is grown all over Saskatchewan, but the majority is grown in the black and dark brown soil zones.
This graph shows the major soil zones across the Prairies.
Fields are planted with seeds and fertilizer. Next, fields are usually sprayed with pesticides to control insects, weeds, and diseases. The seedlings come out from the soil four to ten days after planting. As the days lengthen, the plant grows a flower stalk and it blooms yellow. Flowering lasts 14 to 21 days. After the flowers are fertilized, pods form and take 35 to 45 days to fill with seed.
As the days get longer, the plant starts to flower and blooms yellow. Flowering lasts 14 to 21 days.
Once about one-third to one-half of the seeds have turned colour from green to yellow or brown, the crop is ready for harvest. During harvest, the farmers are able to swath the field into rows, let it dry on the ground for ten days, and then pick up the rows with the combine. Instead of swathing, farmers can also spray their crop to dry it out and straight cut combine (where the swathing and combining are done at the same time).
Canola oil is a healthy oil. Our body needs fat to provide energy and help us absorb certain vitamins. Canola oil is high in omega-3 fats, which is a healthy fat, and low in saturated fats, making it a nutritious and healthy choice.
Canola is a healthy choice for our bodies.
The small yellow flower of the canola plant produces tiny round seeds in small pods. Around 40% of the canola seed is oil. The seeds are crushed to produce oil. The rest of the seed is processed into ‘meal,’ which can be used as a high-protein livestock feed.
Take a look at where canola came from!