Farm Tools
Branding Iron
A branding iron is a metal tool that is used to brand livestock. Farmers brand livestock to mark which ranch the animal belongs to. This is important in community pastures where many different ranchers keep animals over the summer.

This cow has a brand on it to mark who it belongs to.
Cattle Chute
A cattle chute is used to hold an individual animal secure in one spot. Farmers put cattle in chutes when the animal needs to be ear-tagged, branded, vaccinated, or inspected by a vet.

This cow is waiting patiently in the chute while the farmer gives her a check-up.
Ear Tagger
An ear tagger is a tool that puts a tag into the animal’s ear. Cattle that are sold need to have an RFID tag. These tags are radio-frequency identification, and each animal gets a unique number. Tags are used to trace where an animal comes from. The RFID tag is hard to read because the numbers are so small, so farmers will often put a second tag that is easy for them to read. Sometimes tags get ripped out, so it is helpful to have extra tags in case that happens!

This rancher is using an ear tagger to put a tag on a calf’s ear.
Grain Moisture Tester
A grain moisture tester is used to see how much moisture is in the grain. This information is important for farmers to know so they know when to harvest their grain and put it in storage.

This farmer is using a grain moisture tester to see how much moisture is in this grain.
Hay Moisture Tester
Hay moisture testers are important for farmers to know the moisture content in the hay. When hay has too much moisture, it can grow bacteria that can heat up. The heat and moisture try to escape, but cannot and this can cause a spontaneous combustion that would start the stack of bales on fire. This could cause harm to farmers, their livestock, and their property.

This moisture reader is being used to test how much moisture is in this hay bale.
Post Pounder
A post pounder is a tool that is used to put fence posts in the ground. Posts are used in the ground for signs or fences.

The top of this post pounder hammers down to drive the top of the post into the ground.
Soil Moisture Tester
Soil moisture testers are useful to gauge the amount of moisture in the soil. Knowing how much available moisture is in the soil is crucial for farmers using irrigation watering systems to prevent wasting water.

This moisture reader is being used to test how much moisture is in the soil.