Paper Products
Byproducts are materials left over from food production. They are produced at farms or when food is processed. Byproducts are not the primary goal of the agricultural system, but can be just as important. When the process of making one thing results in a second product as well – these products are called byproducts. For example, feathers are the byproduct of processing poultry.
Byproducts are important for reducing food waste, recycling, and creating new products. Scientists and farmers are always looking for ways to use materials left over from food production to make other products such as paper products!

Many products can be made from agricultural byproducts such as wheat straw!
Paper Products
Saskatchewan is called the Breadbasket of Canada because so much wheat is grown here! But did you know that wheat straw can be used to make paper? Today, most paper comes from trees. In the future, paper may come from wheat straw. Wheat straw pulp can make products such as paper, plates, toilet paper, take-out containers and more! The best part is that this process uses wheat straw which is considered waste and is currently left in the field after the grain has been harvested. This is a perfect solution to agricultural waste.
Here are some of the products that can be made from wheat straw.
Watch the production process of how wheat straw is turned into paper.
Another example of agriculture crop waste recycling is flax straw. Flax straw can be used in clothing (linen) and similar paper products as above.

From flax to linen!
Learn about the process of flax straw being processed into linen fabric.