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Caring for the Land


Farmers are the caretakers of the land. They know that having healthy land is essential for having healthy crops each year. The farmers look after the land in many ways. One of these ways is zero tillage farming. Air seeders allow farmers to plant directly into the previous years’ soil which prevents soil erosion and helps keep nutrients in the soil.

An illustrated farmer with a cowboy hat kneels to look at the soil that is in his hands.

Farmers are caretakers of the land!

An aerial view of a farm field shows a tractor pulling an air seeder.

Today’s air seeders provide zero tillage farming, which prevents soil erosion and helps keep nutrients in the soil.

Crop Rotation

Today, farmers take care of the soil by rotating crops on each farm field each year. Crop rotation allows the farmer to naturally add nutrients back into the soil by planting crops that are rich in nitrogen. Crop rotation also helps reduce disease and pests. Farmers put a lot of thought and planning into their crop rotation.

An illustrated man takes a close look at a wheat stalk in his hand, while kneeling in a wheat crop.

Farmers put a lot of thought into looking after their crops and land!

An example of a crop rotation on one field may look like this:

  • Year 1: Farmer plants wheat
  • Year 2: Farmer plants canola
  • Year 3: Farmer plants lentils
There are three different illustrated groups – cereal crops, pulse crops, and oilseeds crops with an arrow between each image to portray rotating crops.

Crop rotation is important to add nutrients back into the soil.

An aerial view of Saskatchewan looks like patchwork on a quilt, with all of the fields being different shades of green, yellow, and brown.

From above, Saskatchewan looks like a quilt because each field has a different crop grown on it each year.


Farmers may also add fertilizers to the soil to help replenish the nutrients in the soil. Fertilizers are made up of nutrients plants need to grow and are not a chemical. An example of an important fertilizer used all over the world today is potash, which provides the soil and plants with potassium. Fun fact – Saskatchewan is the largest producer of potash in the world!

An aerial view of a potash mine is shown with many buildings, and a railway coming into it.

This is one of Saskatchewan’s potash mines.

An illustrated pile of pinkish-red potash rocks have white marbled throughout them.

In 2020, Saskatchewan produced $6 billion worth of potash!

A chunk of potash is shown.

A lot of potash is mined in Saskatchewan!

Ground up potash is shown.

The potash is ground into fertilizer, which adds nutrients to the soil for plants to stay healthy!