by Temp AITC | May 7, 2021
This couple was sad to leave behind their life in Ukraine, but taxes were high, wood was scarce, there was not good access to schools for their children, and they were very poor. This couple and their four children moved to Canada for a better...
by Temp AITC | May 7, 2021
The Highland games are a way to celebrate Scottish culture. The games are known for their unique sporting and athletic events, many of which involve throwing and lifting. Shot put, tug-o-war, caber toss, and hammer throw are popular heavy...
by Temp AITC | May 7, 2021
It is thought that Viking travelers from the Nordic region may have been the first Europeans in North America. The Nordics were known for sailing and roaming over much of the planet. They started sailing to far-off places in the beginning of the 7th century. By the...
by Temp AITC | May 6, 2021
Hutterites are like the Mennonites in that they both came from the same region of the world (Germany and Russia) and they practiced the same religion, but the Mennonites did not settle in colonies and did not share all their belongings. This is a photo of a Mennonite...
by Temp AITC | May 6, 2021
Hutterites are like the Mennonites in that they both immigrated from the same region of the world (Germany and Russia) and they practiced the same religion, but the Mennonites did not settle in colonies and did not share all their belongings. This is a photo of a...
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