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This website tells the story of the past, present, and future of agriculture in Saskatchewan. There are many curricular connections to social studies and sciences for grades 3-7. Over the next year, we will be adding teacher lesson plans and additional content.

Saskatchewan Agriculture

Agriculture is the foundation of Saskatchewan; it influences the present and will shape our future. The ‘culture’ of our province is rooted in agriculture. From the First Nations people who harvested the bounty Mother Nature provided, to the early settlers who overcame many hardships, to the modern-day farmers who are among the most innovative and productive in the world – the story of Saskatchewan can be told.

Farmers across Saskatchewan work diligently to produce food to feed not only our province, but the world. Scientists spend their lives researching ways to improve sustainable agriculture practices. We are privileged to live in a country where food is safe, affordable, and of high quality. We salute the farmers and members of the agriculture industry who make that possible.


We would like to acknowledge and thank Josie Giannetta, who developed a children’s website many years ago and inspired this website. Some of the information on the ‘Past’ section was taken from Josie’s original website with her permission.

Sources and References

The information contained on the website has been sourced from many and varied places, and is most often information that can be found on numerous sites/articles, etc. In cases, where we found conflicting information or needed input on appropriate terminology, we sought review and input from reputable sources.

These sources include:

  • Ministry of Agriculture
  • Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
  • Western Development Museum
  • Saskatchewan African Canadian Heritage Museum Inc.
  • Sask Canola
  • Saskatchewan Cattlemen’s Association
  • Sask Pork
  • Sask Pulse
  • Sask Milk

Phase 1 & 2 include limited First Nations and Métis Information as we want to ensure due diligence when developing this section. An Indigenous advisory committee provided guidance and support for the sections that included First Nations and Métis content.