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Beef farmers raise cattle on ranches. Most of these ranches are in southwest Saskatchewan. The cattle graze on land that is not ideal for growing crops on.

An illustrated herd of seven mixed-coloured cattle are grazing on green grass.

These cows are grazing in a pasture.

Year at a Glance

The daily chores of a cattle farmer include feeding the animals, administering medication if needed, and keeping their environment clean.

Have you wondered what a day in the life of a rancher looks like? This rancher shows just a few of the issues that ranchers can run into on an average day.


Cows often have their calves in February and March. Farmers check their cattle several times a day in case the cow is having trouble giving birth. If they need to, they call a veterinarian to help the cow.

A black and white cow leans down to lick and smell her newborn calf, who is looking at the camera.

This cow has a newborn calf to look out for.

In the summer, the cows graze in the pasture and the farmers grow crops for the cattle to eat during the winter.

An illustrated green tractor pulls a baler, with a bale being completed and popped out the back.

Farmers use tractors and balers to preserve hay until winter for the cows to eat.

Cattle are vaccinated twice a year, once before they head out to the pasture in the spring, and once in the fall when they return to the barn.

Three brown and white calves with yellow ear tags clearly showing are warming up in the barn, while they face the camera.

These calves are warming up in the barn.

A group of red cows with small horns are standing looking at the camera.
The average beef cow herd size in Canada is 69.

This family runs a beef and grain farm and talks about the importance of sustainable operations.