Careers in the Food System
When you first thought about careers in agriculture, farmers probably came to mind, which is great! But it takes so many people and careers to grow the crops, raise the animals, protect the environment, transport products to factories, make the foods, ship the foods to stores, then get all the food to your plate. The process of getting the food from the farm to your plate is called the ‘Food System’ and there are lots of people and careers involved to make all of this happen.

Careers in Production
Primary products are the products or raw ingredients that we eat. Wheat, canola, milk, eggs, meat are all examples of primary products. People working in the production part of the food system have knowledge on how to raise crops and livestock, farm equipment, and business management. Careers in this area include farmers, veterinarians, agronomists, animal nutritionists, engineers, environmental technicians, drone operators, insurance adjusters, and many more!

Veterinarians are important in diagnosing, treating, and researching any health issues that livestock animals may be having.

There are many different types of farming jobs on many different types of farms.
Careers in Processing
The processing part of the system takes the primary product, turns it into the food we eat, and packages it. For example, milk is turned into yogurt or cheese; wheat is turned into flour, then made into bread, cookies, and cakes; and pork is turned into sausage or ham. People working in this part of the food system understand harvest, butchering, food, storage, processing, and packaging. Careers in food processing include food scientists, butchers, agriculture and food inspectors, microbiologists, and many more!

There are many careers in food processing facilities where food is turned into the products we eat and are packaged.

Food inspectors are one of the many career options within food processing.
Careers in Distribution
The distribution part of the food system moves the food. People working in this part of the system have knowledge in food sales, marketing, planning, transportation, and organization. Food is moved from the processing factories to the distribution centers and then to the stores. Careers in food distribution include truck drivers, commodity traders, sales representatives, marketing representatives, and many more!

Semi-truck drivers play a very important role in getting food to the grocery stores!

Many food distribution centres are very large and need many employees to run them.
Careers in Consumption
The consumption part of the food system includes food that is ready to prepare. People working in this part of the system understand food choices, nutrition, food preparation, and food safety. Careers in food consumption include chefs, event planners, dieticians, and food photographers.

Dieticians play an important role in what Canadians decide to eat.

People working to prepare food understand nutrition, food preparation, and food safety.
General Careers
Careers such as accountants, educators, loan officers, engineers, truck drivers, website developers, and lawyers can be found in all parts of the food system.
There are so many different careers in agriculture. You can truly be from anywhere, with any education, with any interests and skills, and work in agriculture! Will you consider a career in agriculture someday?

Would you consider a career in agriculture?
Explore some of the exciting careers you could consider in agriculture!