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There are MANY people who contributed to the development of this website, and we would like to extend our appreciation to our development team.

Development Team

Chantel Heintz

Project Manager

Sara Shymko

AITC-SK Executive Director

Lesia Karalash


John Harstone

Web Designer & Developer

Mike McKenna


Key Contributors

We would like to sincerely thank the following people for contributing to the website by writing content, fact-checking, sourcing photos, editing graphic elements, developing activities, and writing lessons.

Paige Pister – Writer
Greg Torwalt – Writer
Leah Hermanson – Writer
Kelsie Buckingham – Writer
Jayden Kay – Writer
Susan Jorgensen – Writer
Chandra Gusikoski – Communications
Emma McNulty – Lesson Plan Developer
Katherine Peterson – Graphic design Support
Dena Lamb – Activity Creator
Karina McCoshen – Proofreader
Arcana Creative – Development of Phase 1


Indigenous Advisory Committee

Our sincere appreciation and gratitude is extended to the following people who provided us with knowledge, guidance, and support to ensure the Indigenous story is being told through their words and images. Miigwetch, Kinanâskomitin, thank-you.

Elder Betty Mckenna

Dale Wourme

Kari Anderson

Ken Bear

Ian Worme

Teacher Review Committee

We may be experts in a lot of things, but only teachers who are in the classroom day in and day out can tell what is truly needed in a resource. To the following teachers who provided feedback on the website, shared opinions from their students, and gave suggestions for activities – we are very grateful!


  • Kathy Spence
  • Nicole Freeden
  • Susan Muir
  • Shauna Matyko
  • Shelly Brandsetter
  • Susan Muir
  • Wendy Lazarou
  • Kari Anderson
  • Marc Siemens
  • Melissa Koroll

Content Reviewers

Carol LaFayette-Boyd
Saskatchewan African Canadian Heritage Museum (SACHM)

Connie Achtymichuk
Government of Saskatchewan Crops and Irrigation Branch, Ministry of Agriculture

Joe Wu
Regina Chinese Canadian Association (RCCA)

Katherine Gilks
Heritage Saskatchewan

Kristin Catherwood
Heritage Saskatchewan