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Animal Genetics

Housing and Barns

Scientists are constantly studying how to best treat animals. Understanding how animals prefer to live, socialize, sleep, feed, and exercise are all an important part of livestock production. In the future, scientists and farmers will use technology like sensors, microphones, and video cameras to monitor their livestock for best living conditions.

A robot with a video camera on it is parked in a pasture where cattle are grazing.

This robot rancher has a video camera on it and sends a video feed of the cattle for a human rancher to monitor.

An illustrated scientist is using a tablet while he kneels in a pasture with cows grazing nearby.

Scientists study the behaviour of livestock so they know what makes them happy and healthy.


Understanding the genetics of livestock animals helps to breed animals with the best genetics. For example, in dairy cows, milk production can increase if certain breeding lines with strong genetics are used. Another example is in egg production, where farmers can specialize a breed of chickens that has high egg production.

An illustrated scientist is looking into a microscope and taking notes.

Scientists study the genetics of livestock to make improvements in food production.

Learn about livestock genetics and how we use them in our farming process to grow ideal genetic traits.

Animal Feed

Should you eat like a pig? Yes! Pigs and other farm animals eat a balanced diet of foods that help them grow, just like you should. Scientists are always studying and discovering new and improved feed to help animals grow and produce food for us.

An illustrated scientist looks closely at a small plant in a pot while standing next to a table that holds a microscope and many small plants.

Scientists can improve the foods that animals eat to include more nutrients.

These are some ways balanced diets are good:
  • Animals grow and produce food best when they have all of the nutrients and vitamins they need. These nutrients and vitamins can be added to their feed to ensure they get enough.
  • Less pollution. When animals are healthy and living comfortably, they convert their food to muscle and fat very efficiently.
  • Fewer sick animals. Healthy and strong animals mean that they are less likely to get diseases and illnesses!
An illustrated farmer dumps grain into a pig feeder while a line-up of pigs stand by the trough.

Livestock animals need nutrients and vitamins to healthily grow and produce food.