Crop Genetics
The future of agriculture is exciting! There will be lots of changes with new technology, genetics, and farming practices. But some things will not change. Saskatchewan farmers will always produce healthy and sustainable food while taking the best care of their crops and the environment.

Plant breeders study the genetic material in plants.
Crop Genetics
Pesticides can be used to prevent pests (weeds, diseases, and insects) from harming the crop. But what if there were other ways to stop pests from harming the crop without pesticides? Scientists called ‘crop breeders’ study the genetics of crops and develop new varieties that are less likely to be hurt by insects and diseases.

Scientists that study plant genetics are ‘crop breeders’.
Crop breeders can also study and develop crops that are more resistant to climate changes such as drought and higher temperatures.

This is a plant that has been developed to resist climate change such as drought and is thriving in dry weather.
Learn about crop genetics and how science has helped change crop production. This video also looks at the use of chemicals in the crop production process.