Dill is native to southern Russia, the Mediterranean region, and western Africa.
Chamomile is an annual plant that must be planted every year and can grow between 60 to 90 cm (24 to 36 inches) tall. The flowers look like white daisies and make tea that helps with indigestion and sleep. The flowers can also make ointments that are used for bites, wounds, and eczema.
Chamomile has a variety of health benefits.
Coriander is a plant with pinkish-white flowers. It is an annual plant that is planted every year. The coriander seeds are harvested in the fall and used as a spice for baking and dressings. The leaves of the plant are called cilantro and are used in salads and meat dishes.
The coriander seeds are used as a spice.
Dill is an annual plant that is planted every year and sometimes at different times of the year in order to harvest dill all year long. The plant is about one metre (3.2 feet) tall and has yellow flowers. The leaves are used for many different food dishes, and both the leaves and seeds are used for pickling.
Dill is used in foods and for pickling.
Echinacea is a perennial plant that grows back every year once planted. It is about 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 inches) tall and has purple flowers with orange-brown centres. The seeds and roots are used to help with colds, flu, infections, and kidney infections.
Echinacea has many medical benefits.
Feverfew can be a perennial plant, but it might not survive the Prairie winters, so it is planted every year. The plant is about 30 to 45 cm (12 to 18 inches) tall and has white petals and yellow centers and looks a lot like a daisy. The leaves can be used to treat migraines and arthritis.
Feverfew can be used to treat migraines and arthritis.
Garlic is a perennial plant, which grows back every year once planted. The plant produces bulbs underground that has cloves inside of the bulb. Garlic can be harvested every year. The cloves are used to season meats, vegetables, and other dishes.
Garlic is used to provide flavor to many dishes.
The spearmint plant is a perennial plant that grows back every year. The flowers of the plant can be purple, pink, or white and the plant is about 60 cm (2 feet) tall. The mint is used in teas, different sauces, and candy.
Mint comes from spearmint plants!
St. John’s Wort is a perennial plant that grows back every year after it is planted. The bushy plant can grow between 60 to 90 cm (24 to 36 inches) tall with yellow flowers. St. John’s Wort can be used to treat burns, bruises, and other injuries. It is also used to treat depression and anxiety.
St. John’s Wort has many medical uses.
Sweet basil is an annual plant that must be replanted each year. It comes in many types that have different flavours, sizes, and colours. The plant is about 30 cm (12 inches) tall and can have green or purple leaves, with white or purple flowers. Sweet basil is delicious in soups, salads, and many meat and vegetable dishes.
This basil plant has water droplets on the leaves.
Valerian is a perennial plant that grows back every year. It grows from 1.5 to 2 metres (5 to 6.5 feet) tall and has white flowers in the summer. The roots of the plant are harvested in the fall and are difficult to clean. Valerian is used in treating insomnia, anxiety, migraines, cramps, and minor injuries.
Valerian plants have many useful health benefits.
Willowherb is a perennial plant that comes back every year once it is planted. The plant is about 2 meters (6.5 feet) tall and has pink, light purple, or white flowers. Willowherb is used for cosmetic purposes and to treat sunburns.
Willowherb plants grow about two metres tall!